Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Give me forty minutes or so and I'll give you a daf or so
I know that all the cool kids are jumping on to the daf yomi bandwagon. However, if you are looking for something a bit more mellow, a bit more curated, less a part of the rough and tumble of the daf yomi speedway—I invite you to daf shvu'i, a weekly page of Talmud. In about 40-50 minutes you can learn a page of Talmud. No previous experience required.
Podcasting since 2020 • 121 episodes
Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Give me forty minutes or so and I'll give you a daf or so
Latest Episodes
Daf Shvui/Weekly Baba Bathra Daf 120b-121b
We are more or less done with the daughters of Zelophehad, (though are we ever really done with the daughters of Zelophehad?), but we are continuing with a midrashic sugya dedicated to the sanctification of the month/shabat/the curious...
Season 8
Episode 13

Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Baba Bathra 120a-121a
On this pod, recorded and uploaded just before Pesach, we are gliding in for a landing on the large Daughters of Zelophehad midrashic run we've had for the past few dapim. Great to go into the seder thinking about the history of standing up to ...
Season 8
Episode 12

Daf Shvui / Weekly Daf: Baba Bathra 119a-120a
There's more to talk about and learn about. The seemingly endless tale of the daughters of Zelophehad and Moshe. Including in this week's episode—what happened in the study hall? All in this week's daf.This week's daf can found in the f...
Season 8
Episode 11

Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Baba Bathra 117b-119a
We're still working through the halakhic details of the case of the daughters of Zelophehad, and we've added working through the details of the Josephites and their claim for more land, and others who were denied a portion in the Land of Israel...
Season 8
Episode 10

Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf: Baba Bathra 116b-117b
Its a tour of Tannaitic texts, a veritable a Mishnah, Midrash, and Tosefta fabula in this week's daf. We focus on the daughters of Zelophehad and their inheritance and how that intertwines with the detailed discussions of inheriting the Land. <...
Season 8
Episode 9